Product Description
DESTINATION- Quantum Leap your business/money beyond ordinary to extraordinary! Create enormous New energy pool(in your Devine Womb) that allows Limitless potentials and Money into your physical plane.
Envisage all you will achieve with business alchemy with Mojca!
This Private program is designed to Heal, Transform, Accelerate and Inspire You
Dear woman entrepreneur, leader, coach, game changer, healer or visionary
You are tired of being stuck and you no longer want to play small but step into the spotlight and share your gifts and your core message with the rest of the world. You were born with your mission and you have the obligation to fulfill it; otherwise, your message and gifts will not transform thousands or millions of people around the world.
Your business is successful but deep inside you know and feel that something is still missing, that there is something much more for you. So, you feel like you are walking around in a fog, stuck, unclear and uncertain about your deepest calling. That little voice of truth is getting louder and louder and it urges you to explore and discover your true nature and purpose in life and business.
You are aware that only alignment with your passionate, authentic self, and clarity on your core message and your mission (the Big Why) will help you to become a global game changer in your field of expertise, and make a unique and meaningful contribution to the world.
I will help you achieve clarity, focus, and confidence, as well as gain a deeper connection to your authentic self and your soul’s business blueprint. But most importantly, you will clear your success blocks and get aligned with your own inner guidance system, your inner GPS, which will guide you step by step on your path toward your big vision. So, the time has come to move out of your comfort zone and step up to the highest version of yourself.
It is my pleasure to lead you on your journey of becoming a global game changer, to seize and manifest the desires of your highest vision.
You will open your heart to the light and love and recreate the heart space that had been filled with old resentments and old emotional patterns. This is the foundation on which all further transformation processes and heart transmutations run.
Forgiveness starts a biochemical process of cleansing the sacred heart space; it attracts peace, harmony and peace of mind to our lives.You will access a new level of existence and awareness. Cleansing and transmutation processes help you clean all the clutter that had accumulated throughout the years and starts a wave of new consciousness that washes away old trauma, patterns, and opinions which we have outgrown.
We are all full of limiting believes and patterns regards money, wealth,abundance….,I will help you unlock your abundant money flow-flow that we usually block on sub-consciousness level
You will rediscover and align with your passion, purpose and soul’s business blueprint and start monetizing your unique gifts
I will help you tap into your zero point field. This is the field where ideas are born and manifested.
With my Phi alchemical process(4x) you will reshape your sub-consciousness and open up the door to your unlimited potentials. Your sub-consciousness patterns are the reason why your heart desires are not manifested yet.
You will cleanse the destructive family patterns, blockages and traumas, to enable a healthier, more dynamic and happy life in the present and future.
This healing process is very important because we are under constant impact from emotional and energy patterns created by previous generations of our family.
Resentment, abuse, trauma, and inter-family energy patterns leave a permanent mark. These energy patterns are firmly rooted in our cell memory and are an important factor in our perception, knowledge and decision-making processes, feelings, and recurring thought patterns.
I will help you clear success blocks(business,money)that preventing you to up level your business and allow more money to flow into your experience
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